Real Examples of Mermaid Dollars, Mermaid Coins and Mermaid Stamps available to collectors. Even Mermaid Crypto!
A mermaid site for the rest of us.
Mermaid Currency - Dollars, Coins and stamps are here to stay in the global community.
Crypto Currency has been on the rise the past several years with Bitcoin (βΏ) being the most popular. Much to our surprise there is a Mermaid Crypto Currency as well.
There are also other digital currencies: NFT, Tokens and Coins which we cannot begin to explain how they work, but they do exist! They even have a $Mermaid Coin Token!
Despite the mermaid being a mythical creature - its image has been used all over world currencies — even Mermaid Dollars have made it into the mainstream courtesy of Disney.
In 2005 - The 10 Kroner silver and gold Mermaid Coins from Denmark were released and are now sought after by collectors.
Mermaid Coins of Palau have also been catching the attention of many collectors since 1993 when they first appeared. These color coins (the reverse side of the coin is in color) demonstrate how important the oceans are to everyday life and the livelihood of many folks as well as the many tales by fisherman.
Mermaid Stamps are equally as popular as the coins these days. The sea and the ocean are extremely important across cultures, and it is no surprise that the mermaid has wound up on so many different coins and stamps throughout the world. Some of the countries include: (Denmark, Sierra Leone, Grenada, China, Monaco and the United States)